Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Inauguration of the JOEL-Bugambilia’s Sports Field

The sports field was inaugurated on Saturday with one soccer game and three foot races. Three teams (two with young children and one of youth) were formed on Saturday for an active day of sports that brought together a total of 20 young people. They also got to enjoy a hot dog lunch.

The purpose of the JOEL sports field is to connect with youth people living in the area called “Ojo de Agua” (Eye of Water) so that relational bridges can be built for the presentation of the Gospel message.

Each Saturday Project JOEL leaders will schedule recreational activities (soccer games, races, martial arts) as well as educational activities (sharing lessons based in biblical values, classes for parents on parenting, classes of nutrition, etc).

It is important to connect not only with the young people but with their whole family as we meet the whole child needs: physical, emotional, spiritual.

For more stories from Mexico, visit the CPTLN—Mexico blog.