Friday, October 23, 2009

LHM Employee Kidnapped and Robbed

Every so often we are reminded of the dangers that our staff face in other parts of the world. Last month, for example, Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM)—Brazil director, Paulo Warth, reported that he and his wife, Lucia, had been kidnapped and robbed.

Paulo and Lucia were driving to a wedding on a Friday evening, and stopped to pick up a friend. While they were parked on a busy street outside the apartment building, two armed men ordered Paulo into the back seat where he was joined by one of the criminals. The other man drove, with Lucia in the front.

The men demanded cash, jewelry, and credit cards (which they handed off to accomplices in another car). They then drove around the city of Sao Paolo for over two hours. Meanwhile the accomplices used the credit cards. According to Paulo, the robbers even stopped twice to buy drugs.

The ordeal finally ended when, much to the Warth’s relief, the criminal abandoned the car in a rough part of town leaving Paulo and Lucia to drive off unharmed. In all the robbers charged over $2,000 to Paulo’s credit card, but given the circumstances he was glad they still had their lives.

Coming on the heels of this incident was the recent news that Victor Verruck, the director of LHM—Paraguay, was robbed as he boarded a bus to return home from a ministry convention in Asuncion, Paraguay. The thief grabbed Victor’s cell phone and escaped before he could give chase.

Sadly, this is not uncommon in Paraguay.

“While I was waiting to give a police report two people came in saying that one of them had also had their phone stolen,” said Victor. “It is very sad but here you will hardly find someone that has not been robbed of their cell phone or wallet.”

Incidents such as these highlight the problem of crime in Latin America, and the need for programs like LHM’s Project JOEL which reaches out to youth with the Gospel message. JOEL volunteers visit schools, hospitals and organize events where young children and teens learn about and discuss issues such as crime, alcohol and drug abuse, teen pregnancy, and self-esteem.

Please pray for LHM staff and volunteers around the world as they carry out ministry activities in some very dangerous places.

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